Air Conditioning Maintenance
Air Conditioning Maintenance in Jupiter, FL

The proper maintenance of your air conditioning system can help it to cool better, perform more efficiently, and last longer by keeping your system clean and within normal manufacturer specifications. If we find something that needs attention, we will notify you of the problem, explain the options for repair or replacement of the component, and complete the repair or replacement of your choice with the utmost of expediency.
Additionally, Complete Environmental Solutions Service and Efficiency Agreement makes Air Conditioning Maintenance in Jupiter a super easy process. Our S.E.A. program covers all manufacturer’s maintenance requirements helping you to keep your system running well and enhancing the longevity of the system.
In the event that you do have a breakdown, the Complete Environmental Solutions Service and Efficiency Agreement also provides a 15% discount on Parts and Services not covered by warranty. This can include those hard to find, perfect fit air filters that seem to be so elusive at the local home improvement store. We can provide custom made pleated filters in ANY SIZE, most often in only a few days, delivered to your door.
A/C units and systems have a few components that have to be routinely checked and maintained to ensure your A/C is working correctly. Having your air conditioning unit cleaned of dust build up in your fan and filter will not only have your A/C running smoother but the air you breathe will be cleaner. Areas such as the evaporator coil and drain help the cooling system distribute water so it doesn’t build up. It’s important to find an experienced company to help maintain your A/C system and keep it running, even in the most brutal summer heat. At Complete Environmental Solutions, we have experience maintaining and repairing all types of air conditioning units. Here are some of the A/C maintenance services we offer.
Clean, level, calibrate, the thermostat
Inspect blower and fan assembly
Wash condenser coil and evaporator coil; when readily accessible
Clean condensate drain line
Wash standard air-filters or replace owner provided filters
Lubricate all moving parts
Adjust all drive belts and pulleys
Test all safety controls/devices
Test, secure, and tighten all electrical connections and terminals
Measure input and output of high voltage and low voltage current through the system
Test and measure all transformers and contractors in system
Test system operation and set dampers, witches, and valves, as needed.
Measure and evaluate refrigerant pressures in the system
Activate heating or cooling system
Test all motors, starting capacitors, run capacitors, and potential relays
Test, measure, and record operating temperature and pressures
Provide complete written analysis of our finding along with any recommendations that we have
As a leading State Certified Mechanical Contractor, Complete Environmental Solutions offers services such as Generator Installation, Maintenance, and Repairs. With over 20 years of industry repair in Jupiter, our experienced technicians can fix any air conditioning issue. If you are looking for A/C repair in Jupiter, FL, then Complete Environmental Solutions is the company you’re looking for. Call us today at 561-747-2862 to schedule an appointment.
Give us a call now at (561) 747-2862 or complete the form below and let us know how we can be of service.
Maintain your Air Conditioner with the professionals at CES